info@iowabc.org or
Alcohol and Drug Counselors Handbook (tCADC, CADC, IADC, IAADC)
Fee Schedule (tCADC, CADC, IADC, IAADC)
CADC Application
CADC Upgrade Application
Counselor Recertification Application
IADC Application
IADC Upgrade Application
Counselor Recertification Application
Counselor Recertification Application
Please Note: The International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC), the world leader in addiction-related credentialing, is proud to announce the finalization of the updated Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (AADC) examination. This updated examination is aligned with the 2023 IC&RC AADC Job Analysis (JA).
The tentative administration date for the updated AADC examination is Tuesday, June 3, 2025. All candidates scheduled to take the AADC examination, on or after this date, will be taking the updated examination.
Candidates preparing to take the updated AADC examination (on or after June 3), can find the new AADC Exam Candidate Guide, posted on IC&RC’s website under “Prep and Study Materials” and directly linked here: “NEW” Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (AADC).
In addition, a new General Candidate Guide is also available with important information for all exam candidates: General Candidate Guide.